
Tip for Changing a Squirming Baby’s Diaper

From time to time I figure out or, more likely, somebody shares a tiny bit of wisdom or a tip that is really, really helpful to me. Those nuggets are the kind of things I don’t want to forget and I want to share with others so they can benefit also. Here is one such […]


Seven Sales Lessons from Mark Stevens

Today I read a very interesting article by Mark Stevens entitled Sales Lessons From a Fly Fishing Master and found at Mark Stevens is a bestselling author and the CEO of MSCO which is a management and marketing firm. In this article, Stevens offers seven lessons about sales and being a salesman which I […]


5 Tips for Beating a Sales Slump

I recently read a helpful article on advertising, sales and marketing. It was written by Adrian Miller and entitled “How to Beat a Sales Slump.” In this article, Miller offers five pieces of advice for digging oneself out of a sales slump. Since slumps seem to be inevitable and affect virtually all entrepreneurs, I felt […]


5 Tips for Hiring Good Employees

I recently read a great blog post by Bill Flaggs of RegOnline about strategies for hiring good employees. Bill laid out his 5-step process and some very useful suggestions for finding and hiring great employees. As an employer, I think his advice is worth remembering and personally employing (pun intended). In a nutshell, Bill Flaggs’ […]


Negotiation Tips & Suggestions

Today I had the privilege of hearing a presentation entitled “Negotiation for Community Leaders” by L. Steven Smutko of NC State Universtity. Several points struck me as particularly valuable and worthy of being added as life skills. Smutko defined negotiation as “any communication between two or more people with the intent to influence or persuade.” […]